THE Indo-US nuclear jugalbandi (duet) commenced in July 2005 with then US President George Bush and Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh signing an...
ByMG DevasahayamMarch 4, 2015ON January 22 this year, when Ashok Lavasa, Secretary, Ministry of Environment and Forests, visited Mahendragarh, an arid town in South Haryana where...
ByNarendra KaushikMarch 4, 2015Annual loss of over Rs. 25,000 crore (over Rs. 19,000-crore excise duty and around Rs. 6,000-crore worth of foreign exchange) which accrue to...
ByNarendra KaushikFebruary 7, 2015IN order to take the reform process—the Naya Daur (new era) initiated by Narendra Modi—to its next level, it may be imperative that...
ByShubhabrata BhattacharyaFebruary 7, 2015THE now famous slogan, ‘It’s the economy, stupid’, is given a big chunk of the credit for the election-winning campaign of Bill Clinton...
ByPrajapti TrivediFebruary 7, 2015AJAY Jain and Saurabh Jain regret the day they decided to shift their textile industry from Jind (Haryana) to Greater Noida (Uttar Pradesh)....
ByNarendra KaushikJanuary 7, 2015THE higher you go, the greater your fall. Two, there are no permanent mai-baaps to break your fall each time you land in...
ByNeeraj MahajanJanuary 7, 2015THE day of Christmas (December 25) was observed as Good Governance Day to celebrate the birthday of former Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee....
ByMG DevasahayamJanuary 7, 2015COMPANIES must be managed in a manner so as to create maximum value for all its stakeholders. Over the past few years, several...
ByK. SUBRAMANIANJanuary 7, 2015THE central public sector enterprises (CPSEs) have a vital role to play in transforming India into a world-class global manufacturing hub. But to...
ByNeeraj MahajanDecember 6, 2014