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India needs an Implementation Commission

AS a development economist, I have often repeated the following familiar story to my audiences. It is said that the study of economics...


A hit once in a while but mostly misses

THE Competition Commission of India (CCI)-the competition watchdog-has a reputation for more misses than hits. Half the people and companies indulging in unfair...


The Inimitable Prime Minister

LIKE many of my compatriots, I have seen and judged Narendra Modi from widely different perspectives. There was a time when I saw...


‘SMART CITIES’ Urban Agenda or Utopia?

INDIA is fast heading towards a 50:50 rural-urban distribution of population slated for the middle of the present century. Tamil Nadu has already...


Modi: Taking a leaf out of JP’s book?

AS Prime Minister Narendra Modi came out with his first discourse on inclusive governance while addressing the nation on August 15, 2014, he...


Jignesh Shah goes free again

The Bombay High Court recently granted Jignesh Shah bail after 107 days in jail in the Rs. 5,600-crore National Spot Exchange Limited (NSEL)...


The Markandey Purana Questions, no answers

THE mythological Markandeya Purana begins with the sage, Jaimini, asking four questions: “Why did Lord Vasudeva, the original creator, maintainer and destroyer of...


Path to exports

PRIME Minister NarendraModi has pitched for export of defence equipment. After dedicating aircraft carrier INS Vikramaditya to the nation on June 14, Modi...


‘Development’ for the poor The subaltern perspective

PRIME Minister NarendraModi’s governance agenda, unveiled by the President in his address to Parliament on June 9, 2014, gives prime position to pro-poor...


Iron or Reed? Tale of Two Lady Officers

THE cliché ‘women’s empowerment’ has been the flavour of the season, mouthed ad nauseam by the ‘heir to the dynasty’ who has lost...