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A step towards ‘minimum government’?

RUMOUR is the grist of bureaucracy. It breaks bureaucratic monotony and adds a little excitement in the otherwise drab world of contributing to...

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The importance of being Arvind Kejriwal

THE recent developments in Delhi are a textbook case study of how a Union Territory should not be administered. The ‘shock and awe’...

Define the nuts and bolts
Cover Story

Define the nuts and bolts

IN his first flush of governance reforms, the Prime Minister announced the abolition of the Planning Commission and its replacement with the National...

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To retire now or later?

THE little murmur about increase in the age of superannuation of Central government employees has been quashed for the time being by the...

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The ‘Single Directive’ and after

EVEN at the cost of stating the obvious, it must be reiterated that, in a democratic set-up, the political executive must take decisions...

Cover Story

Should a civil servant join politics?

HURTLING towards the watershed Lok Sabha elections, the country is witnessing a growing trend of retired civil servants joining the ranks of political...