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From the Editor

CONSTITUTIONAL ideals are under threat. The Republic is falling apart. Our democracy is in danger. Governance has become merely a word. The issues...

From the Editor

From the Editor

FREEBIES can enable politicians to win elections. But they will make them lose a nation. If the politics of loan waivers, higher minimum...

Cover Story

Farmer Crisis Waiting to explode

THESE three incidents are symptomatic of the crisis in Indian agriculture and industry. In past 22 years, more than 3,30,000 farmers have committed...

From the Editor

From the Editor

Who will win the 2019 Parliamentary elections? The BJP or Congress? Will either of them get an absolute majority or will there be...

From the Editor

From the Editor

What are the choices before having a politician, who becomes the prime minister without have gone through the drill – of being a...

From the Editor

From the Editor

THIS issue of gfiles exposes the nexus of politicians, bankers and civil servants, all of whom are embedded in the scam reportedly implemented...

From the Editor

From the Editor

THREE issues plague the Indian Police today: politicisation, lack of professionalism and alienation from large sections of the society. The current thinking on...

From the Editor

From the Editor

SEVENTY one years after Independence, India hasn’t solved any critical social issues. Violent and aggressive caste divisions persist, and openly lift their ugly...

From the Editor

From the Editor

THE Government of India can earn Rs. 1.8 lakh crore by imposing a GST of 18 per cent on sports ‘gambling and betting’...

From the Editor

From the Editor

THE PMO-driven proposals to tinker with the rules and sub-rules governing the Indian bureaucracy have stirred the hornet’s nest. It has whipped up...