Home By the Way Lavasa’s passion
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Lavasa’s passion

Lavasa’s passion

Asecretary in any ministry in the Government of India maintains a very hectic schedule. Their day starts at nine in the morning but there is no guarantee of when it will end. If a secretary manages to keep his passion alive in such a schedule, it is truly commendable. Ashok Lavasa, a 1980-batch IAS officer from Haryana who is currently posted as Secretary, Environment and Forest Ministry, is passionate about photography and always spares time to pursue it along with his wife, Novel. The couple has an eye for photography and both understand the subject and the camera well. Lavasa has recently put his passion to good use. He has designed a personalised calendar titled “Footprints of our future”, using Indian wildlife as a theme. The calendar has 26 pictures depicting the couple’s sensibilities. Although the calendar does not mention the time when the pictures were taken, it still gives an idea that the two travel a lot whenever they get time, to see wildlife. Lavasa has the calendars in stock; if you call him you may be among the few who can sample this treasure.

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