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Chandigarh ‘Metropolis’ as Punjab Capital?

BY definition a Metropolis is a large city or conurbation which is a significant economic, political, and cultural centre for a country or...

State Scan

STATESCAN : New empress of MP

BARELY two months into the job, Madhya Pradesh Governor Anandiben Patel has firmly ensconced herself as a parallel power centre in the State...

State Scan

Delhi govt just in name

THE scary and sordid episode of Delhi Chief Secretary Anshu Prakash being subjected to physical violence in Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal’s office at...

State Scan

Delhi : Uncivil fight

THE ugly face-off and the violent fallout between the Civil Service and Delhi government remind us of EV Lucas’ short story, Face on...

State Scan

Caution! No mines ahead

INDIA received a not so envious accolade last week when the Fraser Institute (one of world’s top think tanks) dropped the country from...

State Scan

Why Gujarat result scares Shivraj?

Has the BJP high command reduced Shivraj Singh Chouhan to a pariah among Chief Ministers of the BJP-ruled States after the Gujarat election?...