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By the Way

By the way : Awaiting poll results in UP

Written by Gfiles Editor Civil servants in Uttar Pradesh are a fidgety lot these days. The ongoing assembly elections and fast-changing political scenario...

Globe Scan

The US Elections 2024: small number of voters in a few key states will decide the fate of Biden and Trump

Written by Gfiles Editor By Ashe N Ayers If you don’t know US politics much – know this for sure – a US President...


Aviation Industry aims at Africa, @IndiGo6E to Host the 81st IATA AGM 2025 in Delhi

Written by Special Correspondent India’s IndiGo (6E) is set to be the host airline for the 2025 Annual General Meeting, which will take place...

Globe Scan

Five billion passengers and earning is $6.14 per passenger claims Willie Walsh, Director General IATA

Written by Special Correspondent Willie Walsh Director General IATA presented a report at the 80th IATA Annual General Meeting, Dubai and where he claimed...


Aviation Leaders Assemble in Dubai for IATA’S 80th AGM

Written by Gfiles Editor Dubai, The International Air Transport (IATA) announced that the leaders of the global airlines Industry are gathering in #Dubai. United...


Nehru: A beloved of every Indian householder

Written by Gfiles Editor and BN Uniyal Jawaharlal Nehru was an Indian anti-colonial nationalist, statesman, secular humanist, social democrat, and author who was a...

Globe Scan

Is Netanyahu, PM Israel, under pressure to resign?

Written by Gfiles Editor Iran’s unprecedented attack on Israel on April 14, in retaliation for an alleged Israeli airstrike in Syria, represented the most...