Home By the Way By the way : CoCSA clamour for change
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By the way : CoCSA clamour for change

After the 7th Central Pay Commission failed to address the grievances of non-IAS officers, the Confederation of Civil Services Association (CoCSA) representing 20 services, including IPS, IFoS, IRS, IIS, and IRAS, has demanded total civil services reforms in an “unbiased manner”. Representatives of the association met Minister of State in the PMO and Personnel Jitendra Singh and discussed that reform initiatives could not be decided by those who are beneficiaries of the status quo. They further argued that reforms called for a deviation from the status quo, but there is tremendous resistance against change from a “particular” civil service. The delegation which met the minister included the convener of CoCSA Jayant Misra, IRS-IT, PV Rama Sastry, IPS, Dr Anup K Srivastava, IRS (Customs and Central Excise), Alok Kumar, IRSE, Namita Mehrotra, Indian Railway Accounts Service, Jaykant Singh, Indian Trade Service, BP Yadav, Indian Audit and Accounts Service, Shailendra Singh, Indian Forest Service, Anindya Sen Gupta, Indian Information Service, Ajay Shankar Singh, Indian Civil Accounts Service, Kashi Nath Jha, Indian Post and Telecommunication Accounts and Finance Service and Sandeep Shankar, Indian Defence Accounts Service. The CoCSA wanted Narendra Modi’s intervention, pointing out that the procedure followed so far has helped only a particular service and discriminated against all others, thereby resulting in monopolising of posts at higher level by IAS officers. The delegation demanded a “disruptive change” of the procedure adopted so far and a new system where competent and suitable persons, irrespective of the service they belonged, are selected for appropriate posts.

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