Home Bric a Brac The ill-tempered communicator
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The ill-tempered communicator

Lurching from one controversy to another


SMRITI Irani has not understood the dynamics between the BJP and RSS. She forgot that she is an outsider, and in the ruling framework, the RSS prevails upon the BJP. Had she not been a confidant of Narendra Modi, the RSS would have pulled out the red card, showing her the exit door from the government.

Her bitter battle with Surya Prakash, CEO, Prasar Bharti, laid the foundation for her exit from the all-powerful Ministry of Information and Broadcasting. Her behaviour is weird; even in the Parliament’s Central Hall, she took on journalists and claimed that she would teach them a lesson. It’s something that has never happened before. The corridors of Shastri Bhavan are rife with rumour that she committed her latest gaffe was over the invitation to President Ramnath Kovind for the annual National Films Awards. It is learnt that Irani used formal channels, as she should have, to write to the President. But she had the audacity of not handing over the invitation personally to Kovind, which has been the norm for decades. The President House reportedly took affront at this arrogant behaviour and duly informed the Prime Minister’s Office. One of the officials claimed that this was the reason why the President’s Office decided to limit Kovind’s presence at the award ceremony for only an hour. This further added fuel to the raging fire within the intellectual and film community, embarrassing the government even more.

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