Home By the Way Who owns Prasar Bharati?
By the Way

Who owns Prasar Bharati?

The public broadcaster that sparked off the television revolution and helped other channels grow, today totters for lack of serious professionals in its ranks. Just imagine: An organisation that runs over 25 channels in its ever expanding network does not have a recruitment policy. Even the Supreme Court at one stage issued contempt proceedings but the pachydermic bureaucrats were impervious to anything that diminished their authority and influence. For over two decades, neither did it elevate the existing strength nor did it provide updated trainings. The ones given by FTII once were scrapped by the Babus who did not want the professionals to outshine them. Those recruited on casual terms over the years are the most exploited and misused lot. The instances of giving the mandatory health benefits and provident fund in the commercial wings in Doordarshan are an open story now. It is heard that contractors are paying less than government rates and harried temporary employees have no voice or forum to speak from. No wonder, one comes across people from ordinance factories, railways, army, airforce, agricultural institutes, civil servants from Delhi Government, income-tax department, and so on, heading various channels. Further, DD Kisan is learnt to be down in the dumps due to insipid handling and the Chairman is scurrying for cover. Has someone told Arun Jaitley or Col Rathore that you need trained men in the forces to deliver results? Can TV channels be run effectively by those trained in railway catering, tax calculations, and bomb-making techniques? Are we doing this to kill Doordarshan and AIR? Is this not another form of corruption when scarce resources are not used for the good of the nation or public? It helps to know that an insider has recently been confirmed as DG-AIR. And one expects a lot from him. But, there has been no change in Doordarshan despite the alleged illegality in appointment. The responsibility for the dismal scenario in Prasar Bharati jointly falls on the Chairman, CEO and the Ministry. They are failing the assurance given to Parliament and denying the voice of people a platform created for them… Will anyone listen to the woeful Mann ki Baat of professionals there?

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