The Bombay High Court recently granted Jignesh Shah bail after 107 days in jail in the Rs. 5,600-crore National Spot Exchange Limited (NSEL)...
ByNeeraj MahajanSeptember 5, 2014From big sharks to small fish, the Indian financial system is a haven for conmen and swindlers. All kinds of individuals, structured associations...
ByNeeraj MahajanSeptember 4, 2014SUNANDA, the wife of a peon in an advertising agency, secretly invested Rs 1,000 every month in a ‘chit fund’ which promised to...
ByNeeraj MahajanSeptember 4, 2014MORE skeletons are expected to roll out in the Rs.5,600-crore NSEL scam. Even as Jignesh Shah, ShreekantJavalgekar and others cool their heels in...
ByNeeraj MahajanJune 6, 2014DESPITE the mandate for change, Prime Minister Narendra Modi is not going to find it easy to contain price rise, inflation, fiscal deficit...
ByNeeraj MahajanJune 4, 2014Afew years back Vajai Vardhan, Principal Secretary and Financial Commissioner of Haryana, released Ibadat—the breath of my soul, a collection of 120 haikus,...
ByNeeraj MahajanMay 6, 2014AT the fag end of its tenure, the UPA government is setting examples of bad governance and politicising the appointments in various government...
ByNeeraj MahajanMay 4, 2014THE debate is on: should civil servants looking to join politics soon after retirement or quitting service be allowed to do so without...
ByNeeraj MahajanApril 5, 2014THERE was a time when Jignesh Shah was acclaimed as a pioneer in developing the commodities and futures industry in the Indian subcontinent....
ByNeeraj MahajanMarch 9, 2014